Bond family in Ecuador

Project: Great Commission

Betania Church at Chambitola

A little indigenous church in the mountains

Betania church in the Chambitola community near Cayambe volcano is high in the mountains at 11,400 ft. It is a farming community of Quichua Indians, where Quichua is still spoken in the homes as a "mother language" for the most part (although all speak Spanish, which is how we communicate). They are very poor, monetarily speaking, but rich in many important ways, such as having their own little plots of land, a house, steady work on their own farms, fresh air, and the blessing of being together as a family. It is a unique and interesting culture, where they still cook over open fires, and do nearly all the labor by hand. Horses, and wooden plows drawn by cattle are a comon site here. They are shepherds as well, with cattle and sheep in nearly every pasture. Onions are the main cash crop, although beans and potatoes are a main staple as well. Education is a much needed resource here, although the young are becoming accustomed to going to school as a norm. It is still common to only go through the 6th grade. Most of the older women cannot read or write, and most of the other adults read and write poorly.

We have a school sponorship program to help some of the church's children attend school, and alleviate the hardship of coming up with the costs for their families. In this monetarily poor community every penny counts!

They are a precious people, dear to our hearts, and we ask you to please pray for this work.

Below, find some pictures from Chambitola.

Chambitola area
Chambitola area
Church in distance
Church in distance
Church on the hill
Church on the hill
New Life church
New Life church
church front
church front
Many of the members
Many of the members
The kitchen
The kitchen
Men's study
Men's study
Women's study
Women's study
Chambitola VBS - Sandy
Chambitola VBS - Sandy
Chambitola VBS - Freddy
Chambitola VBS - Freddy
Chambitola VBS
Chambitola VBS
Chambitola VBS
Chambitola VBS
Chambitola child
Chambitola child
Leader training
Leader training
Chambitola VBS
Chambitola VBS
Road to Chambitola
Road to Chambitola
Indigenous custom
Indigenous custom
Christmas outreach
Christmas outreach
Scene with Sheep
Scene with Sheep
Indigenous working the fields
Indigenous working the fields
Typical houses
Typical houses
Onions are the main cash crop
Onions are the main cash crop
Wheat is also a crop
Wheat is also a crop
Chambitola Pastor Pedro
Chambitola Pastor Pedro
Pastor's wife and young lady
Pastor's wife and young lady
Deb at Chambitola
Deb at Chambitola
sponsored child's family for school
sponsored child's family for school
Chambitola Scene
Chambitola Scene
Typical tools
Typical tools
Teaching on Saturday
Teaching on Saturday
They still cook over an open fire
They still cook over an open fire
Women carry babies like this
Women carry babies like this
Wooden plows are still used
Wooden plows are still used
Indigenous clothing is still worn
Indigenous clothing is still worn
Church service
Church service


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