Mission: Ecuador

Project: Great Commission

Alfa y Omega

No longer an active participant in our ministry

Alfa y Omega is about 20 years old, and is a fairly mature church for this area. Located in Calderon, they have about 100 members and built their church with their own money and labor. They also have a program going with "Compassion International" where about 200 kids are taken care of each day in a "day care" environment.
This is one of the churches that has completed their training program in "How to share your testimony and the Gospel".

Come to know the Church through photos:

Alfa y Omega is mainly indigenous "Quichua" people, and they have built a larger sanctuary than most Baptist churches in the area. Here is a look back at the balcony area.

The pastor's name is "Angel" - a very astute and fairly educated leader.


Mother Church: Candelaria

San Jose Alto

Alfa y Omega

Linaje Escogido

El Salvador

San Miguel

Dios Viviente

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